Read The Room Presents... Family
May 16, 2023 SOLD OUT
About this Event
Welcome to READ THE ROOM, a series of readings by some of New York's leading writers. Our guest readers represent a broad cross-section of the literary world, featuring authors of published works from top magazines, newspapers, websites and books. For this installment, we celebrate “Family.”
We are thrilled to invite you to an evening of readings by these renowned writers:
Lyra Hale, Fangirlish
Melinda Hansen, The New York Times
Connie Murray, New York Daily News
Glynn Pogue, Vogue
Kathleen Squires, Conde Nast Traveler
Bret Thorn, Nation’s Restaurant News
Not only are we serving up a buffet of contemporary literature, but as food lovers, we are also sharing wine, beer, soft drinks and bites to keep the juices flowing.
So, come on down to Little Italy and get your culture on!